Vitamin D: Action Plan and Guidelines

Concerned with Vitamin D Sufficiency?

 What’s the plan? What should you do?

  • Get a blood test to establish Vitamin D levels. Call your doctor today. Blood tests for vitamin D include the active and storage forms. You want to ask your doctor to test for both the Vitamin D 1,25 Dihydroxy (Calcitrol) (Active) and Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy (Storage).

  • Think Food and how you can enjoy vitamin D-rich foods, including cod liver oil, salmon, pastured raised egg has about 10 percent of Vitamin D, sardines, mackerel. If you are taking supplements, take your supplement with the most important meals that contain the most healthy fats and oil which can increase absorption by 50%.

  • Understand the role of whole food synergy: We need sulfur, magnesium, boron, and K2 to properly utilize Vitamin D. Adding vitamin D to your body without these nutrients isn’t ideal. Cholesterol (75% of it is made in the body) is also needed for vitamin D usage. Magnesium is a co-factor that is essential for the binding of vitamin D to its transport protein. Read more about new research on the sulfation pathways in Vitamin D3 synthesis.You’ll get K2 by consuming dairy from grass-fed ruminants, eggs, liver, beef, and chicken. K2 helps utilize Vitamin D and protects from toxicity if you have used or are using vitamin D supplementation. Boron is an essential co-factor of magnesium and is necessary for calcium regulation, which ties into vitamin D usage.

  • Boosting Sulfur Intake: Dr. Seneff recommends avoiding glyphosate that impairs sulfate synthesis. Eating sulfur-rich foods is another important strategy for increasing sulfate production. Other sulfur-containing foods include coconut oil, olive oil, organic pastured eggs, legumes, garlic, onions, brussels sprouts, asparagus, kale, broccoli, and wheat germ. But as with vitamin D, the best way to enhance sulfate synthesis is to get out into the sun.

  • Practice smart Suncare: Depending on your skin type by practice safe sun exposure, spend between 5 to 15 minutes outside between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM twice a week without sunscreen with at least an arm and your face exposed to the sun.

  • Decisions and Mindfulness: Are you meeting daily requirements? Take note if you are eating a whole food Vitamin D diet, safe sun exposure, cod liver oil, magnesium, eating alliums, healing your liver and kidneys? Perhaps, you may need to work on underlying infections, healing inflammation, and balancing minerals will be the big keys for fixing a true D deficiency.

Best quality Vitamin D supplementation

Most Synthetic Vitamin D brands contain lanolin, and it goes through a chemical transformation, including radiation, to make it into D3.  I think we can do better to avoid this chemical process.

  • Cod liver oil is one of the oldest supplements around. Trust me, it is incredible how they managed to make it taste better. Some good cod liver oil brands are Carlson’s Wild Alaskan, Garden of Life, or Nordic Naturals and go undetected in smoothies.

  • Vegan brands that contain Lichen are another beneficial form of plant-based Vitamin D3.

  • Ok, if you decide the above aren’t suitable, and you live in a region where there isn’t optimal sunlight, alternatively (though pricier in the short-term), The Sperti Vitamin D UVB lamp has been studied in protocols developed by Michael Holick MD, Ph.D. at Boston University.

Something to think about

What we eat and how we absorb our Food is very much dependent on the entirety of the music in our lives and how we prep for our body’s performance.

A healthy, mindful relationship with our food is where the melody takes over in our lives.  If with follow along to our own personal melody, it gives perspective by acknowledging where we came from, traumas, work, being home all day with kids, history of dieting, workouts, can influence how we feel.

When we wake with the mindset that food is love, food is messengers to our cells,  food is breaking bread with family and friends, this interconnectedness allows you to catch up to your health.

RESOURCES and more info press here.


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